We are pleased to announce that Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, will join us as keynote speaker at an event being held on the 12 April in Eccles, Salford.
The event, hosted by Bury, Tameside and Glossop Estates Partnership and MaST Estates Partnership, will consider how we best utilise the existing primary and community care estate across Manchester to support NHS and Local Authorities to reshape health and care services to deliver improved health outcomes for our local communities. The event, which will be chaired by Lord Keith Bradley, presents opportunity for senior NHS and Local Authority System leaders to come together and reflect on past successes and share innovative ideas, with a view to better understand the role that the primary and community care estate can have in challenging health inequalities and continue to support NHS recovery plans. Forging a collective approach as we build strong and effective Integrated Care Systems that are equipped to tackle existing and upcoming challenges such as shifting more activity out of hospital into local communities.
If you would like to find out more about the event, please contact: enquiries@gbpartnerships.co.uk